4th Global WOPs Congress

4th Global WOPs Congress

  • Online Event
  • Utilities
  • Knowledge Sharing

Learning from each other, sharing experiences, and inspiring action is a critical way for water and sanitation operators to improve their services and enrich the lives of the people they serve.

A spirit of collaboration and solidarity is at the heart of the Global WOPs Congress.

This free and open event is convened by the Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance - a global network of public operators and their partners - led by UN-Habitat.

Registration is now open for the event here: https://gwopa.org/wop-congress/register/

Stay up to date, and find out more about the Congress here: https://gwopa.org/wop-congress/ 

All Congress sessions are recorded and available on the Congress virtual venue. Click on the session you wish to revisit and simply press play!


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