Ground Truth Week 2019
The Ground Truth 2.0 team invites you to participate in a week of dynamic and interactive events showing casing citizen observatories in Africa and Europe. Citizen observatories can integrate local knowledge in decision-making processes and help communities take greater responsibility in addressing climate and water challenges. All six Ground Truth 2.0 citizen observatories (1 each in Zambia and Kenya and 4 in Europe) will host local events, and you can participate locally or remotely via webinars. Local events will span a mix of data collection campaigns, demonstrations, workshops and panel discussions.
For more information go to the Ground Truth 2.0 Week 2019 Event page on the Ground Truth 2.0 website and subscribe to the GT2.0 newsletter. Follow GT2.0 on #gt20week and @groundtruth20 on Twitter and Facebook, for updates on #gt20week as they unfold!

Ground Truth 2.0 Week 2019 Save the Date
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