UNECE Global Virtual Workshop on Transboundary Agreements
The main objective of the workshop is to support countries and basin organizations in advancing step-by-step their cooperation on transboundary rivers, lakes and aquifers, especially with regard to the development and evolution of agreements or other arrangements.The workshop will therefore also support countries’ efforts to meet target SDG 6.5 and it will review the different steps of the process of developing, adopting and revising relevant legal arrangements. Ultimately, the workshop should assist in identifying common challenges and contribute to preparing a checklist for developing new agreements, or, where needed, amending existing ones.
The meeting is open to governmental representatives, representatives of joint bodies’ secretariats, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations promoting transboundary water cooperation, experts, and academia.
The workshop will start at 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 1 April and it will end at 6.00 p.m. on Thursday, 2 April. It will be held in the Palais des Nations, in Room XXI. The working languages will be English, French, Russian and Spanish. Simultaneous interpretation in all these languages will be provided during all plenary sessions.
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