Webinar: Launch of the Climate-proofing Transboundary Water Agreements in Africa report

Webinar: Launch of the Climate-proofing Transboundary Water Agreements in Africa report

  • Webinar
  • Climate Adaptation
  • Transboundary cooperation

The Water Development and Sanitation Department of the African Development Bank has developed a report on Climate-proofing Transboundary Water Agreements in Africa, as a basis and starting point to establishing a systematic approach to tackle the issue of a lack of flexibility in water allocations and water variability management in transboundary water (TBW). Climate-proofing a TBW agreement refers to the incorporation of clauses and provisions within an agreement to ensure the sustainability of the defined rules, regulations, procedures, and processes and allows for built-in flexibility to adjust to the consequences of climate change. The report reviews the state of TBWs in Africa to assess their susceptibility to the effects of climate change, as well as the state of current agreements guiding the management, use and development of TBWs in Africa. Then, it highlights global learnings on the mechanisms in agreements which manage the variability of water resources due to climate change and
considers how these can be applied to agreements that cover at-risk basins and aquifers in Africa.

This webinar will mark the official launch, by the African Development Bank, of the Climate-proofing Transboundary Water Agreements in Africa report and will provide participants with experiences, lessons learned and best practices in climate adaptation at the basin level and the role of climate-proofing agreements as an adaptation measure, both from the Water Convention and several river basin organizations.

Sign up for the webinar here: https://afdb.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UsObTOj8ShikueslOpZJ7A

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