Webinar: Towards a National Wastewater Surveillance Programme in South Africa: "Building a National Platform"

Webinar: Towards a National Wastewater Surveillance Programme in South Africa: "Building a National Platform"

  • Webinar
  • wastewater treatment

The concept of screening municipal wastewater and environmental water quality as an epidemiological tool for viruses is not a new concept, and has been used to help inform broader infectious disease epidemiological surveillance and mitigation efforts such as the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Environmental surveillance has also been used and recommended for other infections, such as typhoid, early warning of hepatitis A and norovirus outbreaks, as well as for antimicrobial resistance, with modelling techniques used to assist both the design and interpretation of those efforts. Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) is also commonly used in the surveillance of licit and illicit drugs and various chemical contaminants which may impact human health.

You can register for this webinar (hosted by WRC) here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NxhhATonTyGiJg1gS99Arg

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