Water Integrity: Principles and Concepts

Online Course: Water Integrity: Principles and Concepts

  • online course
  • innovation
  • Training

The water crisis is known to everybody. 844 million people around the world lack access to safe reliable drinking water facilities. The critical weaknesses of the water sector (scarcity, equitable distribution, access) can be solved only by providing a more transparent, participatory and accountable water management.

Integrity, accountability and anti-corruption are critical in governing the resources and in providing qualitative service for all. These principles need to frame policy reforms and enforcement.

On a global scale, the levels of capacity and coordination to protect and improve vulnerable water resources and services are becoming inadequate. Water governance  is not effective and is hindered further by an increasingly more complex and multi-faceted corruption. Poor and marginalized communities, people who are the least empowered to speak out against these issues, are the most affected. In this context integrity and anti-corruption are some of the least addressed areas in the governance of water resources and services.


By the end of the course participants will:

  • understand the main concepts and principles behind water integrity, transparency, and accountability; as well as the ways in which corruption may occur in the water sector, its drivers, and impacts;
  • understand the need for effective changes and be familiar with tools that can be applied to achieve water integrity;
  • be familiar with examples of good practices related to promoting integrity, accountability and combating corruption in the water sector.
  • have access to useful up-to-date materials in support of specific subject areas for water integrity.


In each module participants will find valuable and updated readings, videos, suggested web sites, and experiences from the ground.

  • Module 1: Water Integrity in a water governance framework
  • Module 2: Corruption in the water sector and the need for change processes
  • Module 3: Laws, institutions, and instruments
  • Module 4: Integrity management
  • Module 5: Water integrity and the way towards Sustainable Development Goals

Find out more about the course and how to register here: https://cap-net.org/wipc/?lang=es