Online Dialogue: Water Quality, Sanitation and Hygiene in light of COVID-19
This dialogue hosted by WRC aims to share knowledge, and explore effective solutions and mechanisms for supplementing government-led measures for mitigating against the spread of COVID-19 under the prevailing water quality, and levels of water, sanitation and hygiene services provision.
- COVID-19 infection rates, prevalent SARS-cov 2 strains in South Africa, factors to be considered for the containment of COVID-19
- Epidemiology of the current SARS-cov 2 and guidance on the selection of effective strategies that can be implemented under the prevailing water quality, and levels of water, sanitation and hygiene services provision in South Africa. Such guidance to include;
- Effective mechanisms that can be implemented in high density and low density communities
- Selection of individual hand sanitisers/rubs for use over prolonged period
- Recommended hand sanitizing formulations and practices for communities without piped water?
- Risk of infection due to exposure to contaminated water (eg wastewater, drinking water, recreational water, etc) and faecal matter
To register, follow this link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/upAuc-utqTsjkXvsZ1SjC0c09SErBnYsig