KidronNar Project Flyer – Citizen Observatories for Decentralised Wastewater Management in Palestine

KidronNar Project Flyer – Citizen Observatories for Decentralised Wastewater Management in Palestine

  • Citizen Observatory
  • Citizen Science
  • Wastewater Sector

In the Wadi El Nar river basin, the KidronNar project helped to set up citizen observatories to create awareness about the sources, amounts and uses of water and, ultimately, contribute to the sustainable utilization of the available water. One citizen observatory was developed for the Al Ubeidyeh school, and one for the Assasweh community.

Following the Ground Truth 2.0 methodology, a co-design approach was used in Assasweh community and the Al Ubeidyeh schools. Local stakeholders, including representatives of the local school and municipality, as well as community members met in several facilitated workshops to analyse their local wastewater-related problems. Based on this, they agreed on the specific purpose and design of their citizen observatory and monitoring schemes.

During the co-design process, members of the Assasweh community produced a detailed analysis of their wastewater-related problems. Based on this, they identified monitoring priorities.

At the Al Ubeidyeh school, workshops were held with pupils. They identified water sources, water uses and water discharges for their own school. The pupils jointly developed a map of these sources and uses, and identified how effluent of the wastewater treatment plant could be used around the school. This information was used to design the plant and reuse scheme and to develop support for the project.

In order to enable the monitoring by pupils and teachers of the Al Ubeidyeh school and members of the Assasweh community, monitoring platforms were set up via the open source app Epicollect. Data was then collected via phones and tablets.

Find out more about the KidronNar project, and the Citizen Observatories in the Al Ubeidyeh school and Assasweh community, by downloading the flyer below.