AU-EU Innovation Agenda - Public Consultation
Strengthening Research and Innovation (R&I) cooperation between the African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU) is a joint key priority. R&I fosters sustainable and inclusive economic growth and job creation, thereby generating opportunities to reduce poverty and inequalities but also contribute to sustainable development. This is set out in important policy decisions of the United Nations (UN), the AU and the EU.
AU and EU Ministers acknowledged the enormous growth potential of innovation ecosystems in both Africa and Europe, and highlighted, at the same time, the need for better translating R&I efforts into accrued business and employment opportunities. Ministers therefore agreed to start developing a joint AU-EU Innovation Agenda aiming to create tangible impact on the ground, moving joint research investments from theory to practice.
The aim of this online public consultation is to seek input and feedback from citizens on the objectives and proposed actions of the Innovation Agenda, being open to suggestions and ideas on additional work streams. This is done to ensure that the Agenda will be designed and implemented in response to current and future needs and ultimately maximise chances to provide for sustainable and inclusive growth in both Africa and Europe.
Find out more and contribute to the consultation here: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/IAPublicConsultation