Fostering inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work through ICT job creation tools for ensuring water security

  • Employment
  • Economic growth

19 October 2016

On 30 September, the workshop “Fostering inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work (SDG#8) through ICT job creation tools for ensuring water security (SDG#6)” took place in Paris, with participation from AfriAlliance partner ITC.

The workshop was co-organized by the EU HORIZON 2020 FREEWAT project ( and UNESCO (partner of the project) on the occasion of the FREEWAT project mid-term meeting. The objectives were to discuss how using Information and Communication Technology Tools (ICT) in the water sector may help in reaching the SDG6 related targets with an emphasis on creating synergies with the EU HORIZON 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.

AfriAlliance consortium partner ITC gave a presentation about open satellite and in-situ water & climate data, open source tools and the AfriAlliance triple-sense approach including citizen observations for Monitoring & Forecasting of water and climate change challenges.

A number of 60 participants from different communities were present (policy makers, scientists, private sector, etc.).

More information:

FREEWAT website


Overview of speakers