Nepad Cape Town

Kick-off meeting African Centres of Excellence

  • IHE Gaetano Casale
    Gaetano Casale
    Manager Liaison Office
    IHE Delft
  • Water science
  • Technology
  • African Centres of Excellence

26 May 2016

In Cape Town, South Africa, the European Commission (EC) & NEPAD are convening to kick-off the second phase of the African Centres of Excellence (CoE) in Water Science and Technology. AfriAlliance was invited to give a presentation.

This week the second phase of the European Commission (EC) support for the NEPAD Networks of Water Centres of Excellence (CoE) is being launched in Cape Town, South Africa. This phase, which was preceded by a pilot phase, aims at reinforcing the two existing networks of Centers of Excellence in Southern and Western African regions and extending this initiative to Central and Eastern Africa. It also aims to strengthen institutional networking and to improve research support to policy making in the water sector.

During this kick-off, currently being held until 27 May, the activities of the project are presented, discussed and planned with partner institutions and stakeholders. On behalf of AfriAlliance, Gaetano Casale is present and he was invited to give a presentation about AfriAlliance.

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