Now available online: the AfriAlliance Handbook on Data Collection
How can you best develop a data collection project, ensure that high quality data is collected and achieve maximum impact? The AfriAlliance Handbook on Data Collection focusses on the development sector and the collection of data, mainly by people, and covers the main elements to consider when designing and implementing a data collection project. Where applicable, it will also point you to more detailed resources.
The AfriAlliance Handbook provides guidance for projects to:
- Focus on achieving impact.
- Only collect the data that is needed to achieve that impact.
- Build on existing data.
- Use the most efficient method of data collection.
- Make sure data benefits the communities it is collected from.
- Share data whenever possible to ensure others do not have to do the same work.
The AfriAlliance Handbook consists of five stages: prepare – design – capture – understand & share – act. The guidance will describe how to design such projects; how to implement the data collection process; how to combine the collected data with other data sources; how to analyse the data to gain insights and make informed decisions; and how to make the data openly available.
This is the first version of the Handbook. AfriAlliance will continue to enhance this version by improving the guidance and updating the resources. So stay tuned!
Click here to download the AfriAlliance Handbook on Data Collection 2018 in English. Et ici pour le Manuel sur la collecte de données en français. Next to the pdf verion, the Handbook is also available in webpages which can be edited by anyone on Akvopedia.org. See here the links to the English and French version.

Front cover of the Handbook on Data Collection