SIWI Launches Water and Climate Campaign
The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) has launched a new campaign to increase the understanding of how the climate crisis is really a water crisis. It is only when we realize this that we can come up with solutions that are effective enough to make a real difference. In 2020, as countries review their commitments to the Paris Agreement, this is essential knowledge.
The most disastrous consequence of global warming is how it impacts the water cycle. We can already see this in the form of increasingly devastating floods and droughts. The alarming melting of snow and ice contributes to rising sea levels, more unpredictable rainfall patterns and a growing number of extreme weather events. Eventually, the changes to the water cycle, combined with extremely hot temperatures, could make large parts of Earth uninhabitable. To avoid this, we must tackle the climate crisis as the water crisis it is.
To find out more, follow this link: https://www.siwi.org/priority-area/water-climate/