Wetlands boardwalk

Postgraduate course: The use of constructed wetlands for water pollution control

  • Postgraduate Course
  • Constructed Wetlands
  • Water Pollution

As part of the activities of WETPOL 2019, the organizers have scheduled a preconference course that will take place at Aarhus University. Participating in the course, along with attendance at the WETPOL symposium and a technical tour, will accredit 5 ECTS (European Credit transfer System).

Course Contents

The course will emphasize the processes responsible for the transformation of organic matter, nutrients and organic pollutants in the wetland.  The course will present state-of-the-art design techniques, based on hydraulics and pollutant removal models in different types of constructed wetland systems. The course includes practical design guidelines and management aspects such as system layout, compartmentalization, substrate selection, inlet and outlet structures, plant selection and planting. Additionally, the course will present case studies of the use of constructed wetland for the treatment of different types of wastewaters, such as domestic, industrial wastewaters and runoff, including systems established in different climates (cold-temperate areas, sub-tropics and tropics, arid and semiarid areas).  The course will also present the ecology of natural wetlands, including hydrology, wetland soil biogeochemistry, and wetland plant ecophysiology.

Learning outcome

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

  • Characterize biogeochemical processes of importance for nutrient removal in wetlands,

  • Describe the functional role of different types of wetland plants in wetlands,

  • Describe different types of constructed wetland systems, their applicability and limitations,

  • Characterize the hydraulics of constructed wetland systems

  • Characterize pollutant removal pathways and removal kinetics

  • Prepare initial draft designs of constructed wetland systems for wastewater treatment.

Head of course

Dr. Carlos A. Arias, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Ole Worms Allé 1, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark Email: carlos.arias@bios.au.dk.

The course aims to provide the participants with:

  • An overview of different types of constructed wetland systems, their applicability and their limitations.

  • A thorough understanding of the processes of importance for the transformation and removal of pollutants in wetlands.

  • The ability to prepare draft designs of constructed wetland systems for specific applications using the accepted design tools.

  • An overview of current research needs, methodologies and options.

Teaching curriculum

Teaching will be mainly through lectures. However, theoretical exercises and discussions will also be arranged where participants will be required to prepare designs of wetland systems for the treatment of various types of contaminated water based using existing design tools. The course will deal with surface flow and subsurface flow treatment wetlands, vertical flow systems, intensified constructed wetland systems, evaporative zero-discharge systems, free-floating macrophyte treatment systems, sludge treatment reed beds, stormwater treatment systems, and in-catchment agricultural runoff treatment systems.


Teaching will be in English.


The course will be taught by world-class wetland experts, participating in WETPOL 2019.
