Webinar: Africa - Utility Crisis Management: COVID-19
The utility industry has been tested in unprecedented ways by COVID-19. Utilities in the power and energy sector have had to rapidly implement coping mechanisms and strategies to protect staff, customers and their bottom line. But that adaptation has not been without its challenges, financial, operational and social. Join this live virtual discussion where we bring you the best insights from utilities in Africa who have dealt with or are dealing with the challenge of keeping services operational in an age of social distancing and isolation. Some of the questions we will ask and answer include:
- What coping mechanisms have utilities implemented to ensure that the needs of employees and customers remain served?
- What financial implications does this pandemic have on projects mid-construction?
- How have supplier issues impacted the utility business and what mitigation have organisations put in place?
- What has the impact of a shift from commercial and industrial load, to largely domestic load had on business?
- How has technology enabled you to continue operations and ensure reliability of service?
Register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6011352631794814222