Webinar: Build Back Better: Perspectives on COVID-19 Response and Recovery
The coronavirus pandemic is upending society in ways that would have been hard to imagine just a few weeks ago. First and foremost a health emergency, COVID-19 has also hit economies like a global tsunami, closing national borders, shuttering factories, slashing consumer demand and slowing global trade. Workers and small businesses are bearing the brunt of the economic fallout.
With the pandemic triggering a global economic slowdown, leaders are searching for ways to stabilize impacted industries and shore up their economies. The decisions they make now will have long-lasting effects, so they must choose wisely.
Join World Resources Institute on Friday, April 3 at 9:00am ET for the first in a series a virtual seminars about how policymakers and leaders can design coronavirus stimulus packages to create jobs and foster inclusive, sustainable economic growth.
WRI economists and policy experts will share lessons from previous economic stimulus packages, highlighting opportunities for “shovel-ready,” job-creating, high-efficiency, low-carbon infrastructure in China, United States, Africa and elsewhere. Speakers will also explain the negative consequences of propping up failing fossil fuel projects that utilize outdated economic models and past-century technologies, creating air pollution that kills millions of people annually. Finally, our panelists will discuss how it is essential that governments not only jump-start their economies but also protect citizens from major threats of all kinds, including extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and increased water risk driven by climate change.
Register here: https://wri.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iJV6SUWKRBK6lhiceGiVTQ
Featured Speakers
- Manish Bapna, Executive Vice President and Managing Director
- Helen Mountford, Vice President, Climate & Economics
- Li Fang, Chief Representative, WRI China
- Dan Lashof, Director, WRI United States
- Wanjira Mathai, Vice President and Regional Director, WRI Africa
- Lawrence MacDonald, Vice President for Communications (Moderator)