New EU-WOP Partnership Launched
The EU Water Operators’ Partnerships (WOPs) Project - overseen by GWOPA - will soon begin in earnest, having been delayed for several months due to the global outbreak of COVID-19.
This project aims to provide funding and support for around 20 WOPs in developing countries over a 4 year period (2020 – 2024). By leveraging the shared knowledge of the involved WOPs, GWOPA aim to create a cost-effective and sustainable learning environment for beneficiaries. Specifically, the intended outcomes of this project are:
• Enhanced capacity of the beneficiary water sanitation utilities in the programme
• Improved performance of the beneficiary sanitation and water utilities in the programme
• Increased capacity and commitment for continued effective and inclusive Water Operators’ Partnerships by diverse stakeholders
The participating WOPs will be identified in August and September 2020 through a call for proposals – interested parties should view the GWOPA website during this period for updates on this call.