MOOC: Introduction to data governance for monitoring the SDGs
The UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the UN Statistics Division (UNSD) have launched their new, free online course: "Introduction to data governance for monitoring the SDGs".
Taking place from 26 February - 31 July 2020, the e-course aims to strengthen the knowledge and capacities of data producers and data users - from within and outside of Government – on selected issues related to official statistics, data governance, communities and partnerships and data value chain needed to ensure an effective monitoring for the SDGs. The e-course draws primarily on the outcomes of the consultations designed to inform the forthcoming edition of the Handbook of Statistical Organization.
The e-course provides a good introduction for anyone interested to learn more about the meaning and the value of official statistics and various types of data sources. It is also a good resource for members of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) and National Statistical Systems (NSSs), particularly, newcomers and all those who want to refresh their knowledge of the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (UN-FPOS) and learn more about good practices in the area of the organization of national statistical systems and statistical planning.
Participants can follow the course at their own pace and earn a UN certificate upon meeting certification requirements. You will learn:
- UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
- Effective data governance systems for monitoring SDGs
- Managing data-related partnerships, capabilities, resources and processes in the context of SDGs
You can register for the course here: http://bit.ly/datagov2020a
For more information, contact: a2030@unitar.org